Supervised through our Audiology Specialist, all hearing evaluation tests for all ages, including screening, are performed.
Our policy is the early detection and rehabilitation of hearing impaired children Early detection and management of hearing impairment will help to lessen the impact of the condition on the child’s social, emotional, intellectual and linguistic development. The child and family will benefit from such early detection and management.
The following tests are available:
- Free Field Audiometry.
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA).
- Play Audiometry.
- Speech Audiometry.
- Acoustic imittance including Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflexes & Threshold as well as Eustachian Tube Function.
- Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs).
- Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR).
- Auditory Steady State Responses (ASSR).